Hundreds of stray dogs kept in awful environment. Floor covered with excrement, drink muddy dirty water, eat feeding that had already become moldy.
This is not something happened in puppy mill, but in "Taipei County Loving Life Association", it is a benevolent private dogs shelter running by lady 賈鴻秋.

2010/2/17, just when everybody was enjoying the happy atmosphere of Chinese New Year, lady 賈鴻秋 was found passed out in a tample stairway. After four days in the hospital, doctor certified her death in 2010/2/21. This news indeed shocked many dogs lover in Taiwan, but after her death, how to deal with those stray dogs in her association has now become a bigger problem.
Why has it become a bigger problem? Because if it wasn't for her death, people wouldn't discover that her dogs shelter was actually in an awful condition that has already reach the standard of animal abuse.

After seeing the miserable situation of these dogs, people started to question is this kind of life those dogs really want? Private animal shelter taking in animals without consider oneself's ability and without limitation, is it really good for animals?
賈鴻秋's death accidentally reveals the truth of some private dogs shelter, and makes more people think of the true meaning of animal welfare. There are still lots to discuss in animal welfare, but now let's just hope this kind of miserable story won't ever happen in private animal shelters again.