2007年12月30日 星期日
News summary 4------Talking to Kids About Santa…and Everything Else
Talking to Kids About Santa…and Everything Else
16說:I believed Santa was real when I was a little girl.
43說:I also believed.
14說:that's what our mom and dad told us~
43說:Do you guys remember that a few years ago, there was a movie talking about Santa ?
14說:no........I only rememberd a Christmas song called "I saw mommy kissing Santa Clus"
16說:And my parents had pretend to be Santa to give us gift.
14說:it was talking about a little boy saw his mom kissing the santa clus, which is his dad~~~XDDDD
43 說:oh, it seems that I have heard this song before
16說:that sound very interesting.
43 說:the movie I mentioned is called "The Polar Express"
14說:what's the story about?
16說:The Polar Express is another movie talking about Santa
43 說:yes
43 說:when I read this article, somehow I remind this movie.
16說:me, too.
16說:I was very fond of it at that time1
43 說:Would you like to read the book mentioned in this news?
43 說:I think if I have the chance, I will see it!
16說:when children grow up, their parents will have to face this problem.
43 說:Yes, so I think this book may help parents to solve this problem
14說:well........as for me........I don't really want to see that book...........i think when it comes it comes........we will get to know how to be a parent ourself when the time comes
14說:and besides
14說:my parents also told me that there was santa when I was little
14說:but even after I grew up
14說:I knew that there was no santa in the world
16說:maybe he live in somewhere.
16說:I sometimes think.
14說:I still won't think that my parents are telling the lie
16說:Nobody will think they are to blame.
43 說:Do you know that there exsitst people who play Santa in order to response letters to children who believe in Santa?
14說:yeah~so I think the guy who wrote the book really thinks too much
16說:I know what you mentioned.
43 說:Perhaps he just want to help parents to give such a complicated answer to their children.
16說:those people are so considerate.
43 說:yeah, even we know that there is no real Santa in the world, as long as we recieve the letters, I think that we still wil feel very satisfied.
16說:yes. I agree what you said.
14說:I think we childrens know how to grow up ourselves
43 說:yeah .It's a process everyone wil face.
14說:we can tell what's true and what's false...........adults really don't need to worry that much~XD
43 說:I like the sentence the writter said"Santa is real as long as you believe in him."
16說:Stockings play a important role on Christmas day!
14說:the santa here means.....sort of like"dreams", it represent all the beautiful dreams we had in our childhood
43 說:yeah, it also represent a symbol for children who believe Santa really exsist
43 說:I like you compare Santa with dreams!
14說:so,even though we already knew that there is no santa in the world
43 說:"Santa is real as long as you believe in him."
14說:we can still believe in things we want to believe
16 說:yes he live in every child 's mind foe ever.
16說:for ever sorry!
43 說:yes, and if we have the ability to believe, we will certainly preserve something important in our lives!
16說:yes, that 's our conclusion!
14說:very well~so long for now~byebye~~~~XDDDD
16 說:bye!
43 說:bye see you guys tomorrow!
2007年10月14日 星期日
News summary 2------Seeking to save shelter dogs from death
Seeking to save shelter dogs from death
Q1.How much time can each dog get before put to death?
A1.It varies from state to state.
Q2.Can animal shelter change the dog’s death date?
A2.Yes. They can either delay it or move it up, depends on how crowd the kennel is.
Q3.What’s the charge for adoption service?
A3.It’s toatally free, both for shelter and adopters.
Q4.What was the dog that Alex Aliksanyan had?
A4. It was miniature American Eskimo dog.
Q5.What can you see if you go to Dogsindanger.com’s “In Memoriam” page?
A5.The images of dogs that didn't got adopted and was destroyed, and the famous words from Mahatma Gandhi : "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
1.advocate: support; stand for
2. abide: obey the law; stay; survive
3. nonprofit: not commercially motivated
4. entrepreneur: one who creates a product on his own account
5. kennel: a house for a dog or for dogs, or for a pack of hounds
6. breed: class; sort; kind; -- of men, things, or qualities.
7. aim: to direct the indention or purpose
8. tagged: to join; to fasten; to attach
9. retriever: a dor, or a breed of dogs, chiefly employed to retrieve, or to find and recover game birds that have been killed or wounded.
10. boxer: a breed of stocky medium-sized short-haired dog with a brindled coat and square-jawed muzzle developed in Germany
There were about 4 million dogs put to death each year in US. But there were also many dogs who had found their new homes and started their new lifes by the helps of some caring people, and Alex Aliksanyan is definitely one of those caring ones. He was driven by a well-known saying of Mahatma Gandhi : "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." So he founded The Buddy Fund Inc, which is a nonprofit organization that aims to save dogs live by offering them the chance of adoption. He set up a site and post the information of dogs wating for adoption on it. If a dog was successfully adopted, its photo would be posted on the "Success Stories." section;if not, the destroyed dog’s photo would go to the "In Memoriam" page.
2007年9月30日 星期日
News summary 1------Dreams of New Ways To Fly
Dreams of New Ways To Fly
Michael Moshier had invented a flying machine called "Solo Trekle." It got 120 horsepower and can carry only one person at a time to fly up in the air. Another man named Paul had invented a flying car and was prepare to test it and sell it. Relizing the dreams to fly is never easy. But someone like Michael and Paul did succeeded. Now Michael even got help from NASA, and they plan to develope “Solo Trekle” into military use.
The language exercises are about midium level. I need my dictionary with me for the vocabulary section,or else I could only score about 76%. Other sections are fine, I'm doing OK. I also try the "YOUR TURN" activity, but somehow I just can't send my message out! So I think I'll just have to post it here:
Q1. Describe why you think man has always been interested in flying.
A1.Because flying can symbolize freedom I suppose.People wanna get off ground to escape from this hustle and bustle world.
Q2. How do you think having a Solo Flyer would change the world?
A2.I hope ond day Solo Flyer can not only be use as military use,but everybody from everywhere can own them too. By that time, we can go explore any place we want in the world!
This is my answers to the questions. It is actully quite fun to think about these different questions. I think all the activities were great to help us understand more about the artical.
This artical really brought the world lots of hopes about flying. But this is not the end yet, there will never be an end in fact. We human are still dreaming, dreaming to realize all the dreams. And that's what keep us prograssing.
2007年9月12日 星期三
Introduce myself
Hi there~
My name is Jocelyn
I'm now a freshman of National Central University English Department(can I call it NCU ENG?XD)
It's great to have so many nice and interesting people as classmates for the rest four years
I'm so glad to be here,as a member of English Department this big family.
Since this is an introduction,I'm going to talk more about myself
so that you can get to know more about me~XD
As many people might already knew that I'm a local
I born in Taoyuan,
lived in Taoyuan,
studied in Taoyuan,
except for the four years in Canada Vancouver though.
I my whole family emigrated to Canada when I was 8-year-old
but we already came back for 8 years
So!!!I still know this "cute little town" very well~XD
Feel free to ask when you need any help about place you wanna go in ChungLi,
I'll do my best to help you get there.(´▽`)
What I like to do in my free time......well,it's quite normal though.
probably are chatting online~going out with friends~reading novels.......sort of things like that.
As you can see above,I'm a very common person
but after entering NCU,I looking forward to live an unusual college life
I know there is still a lot more about this place waiting for me to explore
and that is what I'm going to do for the next four years
Step by step,
here I come. :)
My name is Jocelyn
I'm now a freshman of National Central University English Department(can I call it NCU ENG?XD)
It's great to have so many nice and interesting people as classmates for the rest four years
I'm so glad to be here,as a member of English Department this big family.
Since this is an introduction,I'm going to talk more about myself
so that you can get to know more about me~XD
As many people might already knew that I'm a local
I born in Taoyuan,
lived in Taoyuan,
studied in Taoyuan,
except for the four years in Canada Vancouver though.
I my whole family emigrated to Canada when I was 8-year-old
but we already came back for 8 years
So!!!I still know this "cute little town" very well~XD
Feel free to ask when you need any help about place you wanna go in ChungLi,
I'll do my best to help you get there.(´▽`)
What I like to do in my free time......well,it's quite normal though.
probably are chatting online~going out with friends~reading novels.......sort of things like that.
As you can see above,I'm a very common person
but after entering NCU,I looking forward to live an unusual college life
I know there is still a lot more about this place waiting for me to explore
and that is what I'm going to do for the next four years
Step by step,
here I come. :)
2007年8月16日 星期四
2007年8月14日 星期二
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