2007年12月30日 星期日
News summary 4------Talking to Kids About Santa…and Everything Else
Talking to Kids About Santa…and Everything Else
16說:I believed Santa was real when I was a little girl.
43說:I also believed.
14說:that's what our mom and dad told us~
43說:Do you guys remember that a few years ago, there was a movie talking about Santa ?
14說:no........I only rememberd a Christmas song called "I saw mommy kissing Santa Clus"
16說:And my parents had pretend to be Santa to give us gift.
14說:it was talking about a little boy saw his mom kissing the santa clus, which is his dad~~~XDDDD
43 說:oh, it seems that I have heard this song before
16說:that sound very interesting.
43 說:the movie I mentioned is called "The Polar Express"
14說:what's the story about?
16說:The Polar Express is another movie talking about Santa
43 說:yes
43 說:when I read this article, somehow I remind this movie.
16說:me, too.
16說:I was very fond of it at that time1
43 說:Would you like to read the book mentioned in this news?
43 說:I think if I have the chance, I will see it!
16說:when children grow up, their parents will have to face this problem.
43 說:Yes, so I think this book may help parents to solve this problem
14說:well........as for me........I don't really want to see that book...........i think when it comes it comes........we will get to know how to be a parent ourself when the time comes
14說:and besides
14說:my parents also told me that there was santa when I was little
14說:but even after I grew up
14說:I knew that there was no santa in the world
16說:maybe he live in somewhere.
16說:I sometimes think.
14說:I still won't think that my parents are telling the lie
16說:Nobody will think they are to blame.
43 說:Do you know that there exsitst people who play Santa in order to response letters to children who believe in Santa?
14說:yeah~so I think the guy who wrote the book really thinks too much
16說:I know what you mentioned.
43 說:Perhaps he just want to help parents to give such a complicated answer to their children.
16說:those people are so considerate.
43 說:yeah, even we know that there is no real Santa in the world, as long as we recieve the letters, I think that we still wil feel very satisfied.
16說:yes. I agree what you said.
14說:I think we childrens know how to grow up ourselves
43 說:yeah .It's a process everyone wil face.
14說:we can tell what's true and what's false...........adults really don't need to worry that much~XD
43 說:I like the sentence the writter said"Santa is real as long as you believe in him."
16說:Stockings play a important role on Christmas day!
14說:the santa here means.....sort of like"dreams", it represent all the beautiful dreams we had in our childhood
43 說:yeah, it also represent a symbol for children who believe Santa really exsist
43 說:I like you compare Santa with dreams!
14說:so,even though we already knew that there is no santa in the world
43 說:"Santa is real as long as you believe in him."
14說:we can still believe in things we want to believe
16 說:yes he live in every child 's mind foe ever.
16說:for ever sorry!
43 說:yes, and if we have the ability to believe, we will certainly preserve something important in our lives!
16說:yes, that 's our conclusion!
14說:very well~so long for now~byebye~~~~XDDDD
16 說:bye!
43 說:bye see you guys tomorrow!
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