2010年6月17日 星期四
Final Project Progress Report 3
Lofois Oaklourne
Ivan Willowind
Mauro Tison
Carmen Iskirra
All sources, tools, and records:
I did these four questionaires in Disney Land in SL.
Romantic Relationship in Second Life Survey--- Lofois Oaklourne
This survey is part of an undergraduate class project on Second Life. Please answer honestly. The group in charge of the project will be doing a blog post based on the answers received. If you feel uncomfortable answering the survey, you have the right not to complete it.
Your information will be received totally anonymously. Thank you very much for your time. We appreciate it.
1. Which country are you from (Real Life)?
2. Education Background (Real Life)
High-School Graduated
3. Gender in Real Life
Female Female
5. Real Life Marriage status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
6. Second Life Marriage/Partnered status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
7. What are your favorite activities in Real Life? Please list three.
2.Using cell phone to write blog
3.Mailing with friends
8. What are your favorite activities in Second Life? Please list three.
1. Dressing myself
9. Age in real life
10. Have you had dating experiences in Second Life? Activities are comparable to those in Real Life, like going shopping, watching movies, etc.
Sometimes. I like flirting.
11. Have you ever been in a Second Life marriage/partnership? (For purposes of a committed romantic relationship, not for business/friendship reasons)
Yes. I’m not quite sure
12. If you did it, how would you describe the experience? Please use two short sentences to describe it.
1.I feel happy and confident when I flirt with them.
13. If you haven’t had the experience, (in the future) would you consider SL partnership or even marriage for romantic relationship purposes?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
14. If you have been in a SL marriage/partnership, how long did it last? If there was more than one experience, choosing that lasted the longest.
Less than 3 months
Greater than 3 months
More than a year
Not applicable to me
15. Do you think a relationship in SL should be treated honestly and loyally just like one in Real Life?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
16. If you already have a relationship in Real Life, would you consider your affections in SL as an act of adultery?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not? Flirt with people in SL is just a way to satisfied myself.
17. Is it possible to deal with two relationships simultaneously? (RL romance and SL romance)
Yes. Why?
No. Why not? I won’t really call it as a relationship. SL is just a game.
18. If you have romantic attachments in SL, do you keep the relationship within the SL platform?
Yes. Of course
19. Would you consider SL relationships as a potential RL romantic encounter/partnership or even marriage?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
20. Does your avatar represent and reflect the real you in RL?
Yes. Why? My avatar is what I want to be in RL
No. Why not?
21. Do you think fabricating the glorious events about you to increase the opportunities to have intimate relationship immoral?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
Romantic Relationship in Second Life Survey---Ivan Willowind
This survey is part of an undergraduate class project on Second Life. Please answer honestly. The group in charge of the project will be doing a blog post based on the answers received. If you feel uncomfortable answering the survey, you have the right not to complete it.
Your information will be received totally anonymously. Thank you very much for your time. We appreciate it.
1. Which country are you from (Real Life)?
2. Education Background (Real Life)
High-School Graduated
3. Gender in Real Life
4. Gender in Second Life (If you have more than one avatar, please select the gender of your MAIN avatar, the one you use the most.)
5. Real Life Marriage status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
6. Second Life Marriage/Partnered status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
7. What are your favorite activities in Real Life? Please list three.
1.Reading books
2.listening to music
3.playing basketball
8. What are your favorite activities in Second Life? Please list three.
1. looking around
2. chat with other people
9. Age in real life
10. Have you had dating experiences in Second Life? Activities are comparable to those in Real Life, like going shopping, watching movies, etc.
11. Have you ever been in a Second Life marriage/partnership? (For purposes of a committed romantic relationship, not for business/friendship reasons)
12. If you did it, how would you describe the experience? Please use two short sentences to describe it.
13. If you haven’t had the experience, (in the future) would you consider SL partnership or even marriage for romantic relationship purposes?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?because it is just a game, I won’t mix it up with real life.
14. If you have been in a SL marriage/partnership, how long did it last? If there was more than one experience, choosing that lasted the longest.
Less than 3 months
Greater than 3 months
More than a year
Not applicable to me
15. Do you think a relationship in SL should be treated honestly and loyally just like one in Real Life?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not? This is just a game.
16. If you already have a relationship in Real Life, would you consider your affections in SL as an act of adultery?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not? I won’t take online game love seriously.
17. Is it possible to deal with two relationships simultaneously? (RL romance and SL romance)
Yes. Why?
No. Why not? Same as up
18. If you have romantic attachments in SL, do you keep the relationship within the SL platform?
19. Would you consider SL relationships as a potential RL romantic encounter/partnership or even marriage?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not? Same
20. Does your avatar represent and reflect the real you in RL?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not? Why it should be same? That’s too boring.
21. Do you think fabricating the glorious events about you to increase the opportunities to have intimate relationship immoral?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not? Don’t have to say true thing about yourself in this game.
Romantic Relationship in Second Life Survey--- Mauro Tison
This survey is part of an undergraduate class project on Second Life. Please answer honestly. The group in charge of the project will be doing a blog post based on the answers received. If you feel uncomfortable answering the survey, you have the right not to complete it.
Your information will be received totally anonymously. Thank you very much for your time. We appreciate it.
1. Which country are you from (Real Life)?
America(New Jersey)
2. Education Background (Real Life)
High-School Graduated
3. Gender in Real Life
4. Gender in Second Life (If you have more than one avatar, please select the gender of your MAIN avatar, the one you use the most.)
5. Real Life Marriage status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
6. Second Life Marriage/Partnered status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
7. What are your favorite activities in Real Life? Please list three.
1. Gardening
2. TV Watching
3. Twitter
8. What are your favorite activities in Second Life? Please list three.
9. Age in real life
10. Have you had dating experiences in Second Life? Activities are comparable to those in Real Life, like going shopping, watching movies, etc.
11. Have you ever been in a Second Life marriage/partnership? (For purposes of a committed romantic relationship, not for business/friendship reasons)
12. If you did it, how would you describe the experience? Please use two short sentences to describe it.
1. Easy and relaxed.
2. No pressure.
13. If you haven’t had the experience, (in the future) would you consider SL partnership or even marriage for romantic relationship purposes?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
14. If you have been in a SL marriage/partnership, how long did it last? If there was more than one experience, choosing that lasted the longest.
Less than 3 months
Greater than 3 months
More than a year
Not applicable to me
15. Do you think a relationship in SL should be treated honestly and loyally just like one in Real Life?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
16. If you already have a relationship in Real Life, would you consider your affections in SL as an act of adultery?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
17. Is it possible to deal with two relationships simultaneously? (RL romance and SL romance)
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
18. If you have romantic attachments in SL, do you keep the relationship within the SL platform?
19. Would you consider SL relationships as a potential RL romantic encounter/partnership or even marriage?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not? Not really.
20. Does your avatar represent and reflect the real you in RL?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not? I dressed myself into someone I hate, lol.
21. Do you think fabricating the glorious events about you to increase the opportunities to have intimate relationship immoral?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
Romantic Relationship in Second Life Survey--- Carmen Iskirra
This survey is part of an undergraduate class project on Second Life. Please answer honestly. The group in charge of the project will be doing a blog post based on the answers received. If you feel uncomfortable answering the survey, you have the right not to complete it.
Your information will be received totally anonymously. Thank you very much for your time. We appreciate it.
1. Which country are you from (Real Life)?
2. Education Background (Real Life)
High-School Graduated
3. Gender in Real Life
4. Gender in Second Life (If you have more than one avatar, please select the gender of your MAIN avatar, the one you use the most.)
5. Real Life Marriage status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
6. Second Life Marriage/Partnered status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
7. What are your favorite activities in Real Life? Please list three.
1. Dancing
2. Drinking with friends
8. What are your favorite activities in Second Life? Please list three.
1. Dancing
9. Age in real life
10. Have you had dating experiences in Second Life? Activities are comparable to those in Real Life, like going shopping, watching movies, etc.
11. Have you ever been in a Second Life marriage/partnership? (For purposes of a committed romantic relationship, not for business/friendship reasons)
12. If you did it, how would you describe the experience? Please use two short sentences to describe it.
1. Especial & feliz
13. If you haven’t had the experience, (in the future) would you consider SL partnership or even marriage for romantic relationship purposes?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
14. If you have been in a SL marriage/partnership, how long did it last? If there was more than one experience, choosing that lasted the longest.
Less than 3 months
Greater than 3 months
More than a year
Not applicable to me
15. Do you think a relationship in SL should be treated honestly and loyally just like one in Real Life?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
16. If you already have a relationship in Real Life, would you consider your affections in SL as an act of adultery?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
17. Is it possible to deal with two relationships simultaneously? (RL romance and SL romance)
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
18. If you have romantic attachments in SL, do you keep the relationship within the SL platform?
19. Would you consider SL relationships as a potential RL romantic encounter/partnership or even marriage?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
20. Does your avatar represent and reflect the real you in RL?
Yes. Why? Sort of.
No. Why not?
21. Do you think fabricating the glorious events about you to increase the opportunities to have intimate relationship immoral?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
Observation notes about what you did and what you gained from it:
I interviewed two Asians, one American and one Spanish. The American said that having SL relationship and RL relationship at the same time is OK. But the Spanish woman said that once she has relationship in RL, she will stop the relationship in SL.
What really surprised me is that we usually think Asians are more conservative, but the two Asians I interviewed have very open attitudes toward online relationships. I think this has something to do their age because both of them are very young. They can "update" and link their conceptions and attitudes with Western society by internet anytime and anywhere. I guess the stereotype is no longer suitable for this shifting era.
Final Project Progress Report 2
'Betrayal in virtual world'
After reading the article and discussion, we come up with the complete questions for our interview.
Romantic Relationship in Second Life Survey
This survey is part of an undergraduate class project on Second Life. Please answer honestly. The group in charge of the project will be doing a blog post based on the answers received. If you feel uncomfortable answering the survey, you have the right not to complete it.
Your information will be received totally anonymously. Thank you very much for your time. We appreciate it.
1. Which country are you from (Real Life)?
2. Education Background (Real Life)
High-School Graduated
3. Gender in Real Life
4. Gender in Second Life (If you have more than one avatar, please select the gender of your MAIN avatar, the one you use the most.)
5. Real Life Marriage status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
6. Second Life Marriage/Partnered status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
7. What are your favorite activities in Real Life? Please list three.
8. What are your favorite activities in Second Life? Please list three.
9. Age in real life
10. Have you had dating experiences in Second Life? Activities are comparable to those in Real Life, like going shopping, watching movies, etc.
11. Have you ever been in a Second Life marriage/partnership? (For purposes of a committed romantic relationship, not for business/friendship reasons)
12. If you did it, how would you describe the experience? Please use two short sentences to describe it.
13. If you haven’t had the experience, (in the future) would you consider SL partnership or even marriage for romantic relationship purposes?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
14. If you have been in a SL marriage/partnership, how long did it last? If there was more than one experience, choosing that lasted the longest.
Less than 3 months
Greater than 3 months
More than a year
Not applicable to me
15. Do you think a relationship in SL should be treated honestly and loyally just like one in Real Life?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
16. If you already have a relationship in Real Life, would you consider your affections in SL as an act of adultery?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
17. Is it possible to deal with two relationships simultaneously? (RL romance and SL romance)
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
18. If you have romantic attachments in SL, do you keep the relationship within the SL platform?
19. Would you consider SL relationships as a potential RL romantic encounter/partnership or even marriage?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
20. Does your avatar represent and reflect the real you in RL?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
21. Do you think fabricating the glorious events about you to increase the opportunities to have intimate relationship immoral?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
Final Project Progress Report 1
The reasons why you chose the topic:
After discussion, we chose the topic of "Relationship in SL." We want to interview some couples in SL, to see how they feel about online realtionship. We think the moral issues behind online realtionships is very worth thinking.
Monica wrote down some basic questions for the interveiw, and we discussed what should we add to the list, and the big direction of this interview.
2010年5月18日 星期二
Crush and Burn --- Cheng Nan-jung, A Pro-Democracy Activist of Taiwan. (Second edition)

2010/5/18 by Jocelyn Yu
What kind of insistency can make a person willing to set himself on fire for his faith? He is Cheng Nan-jung, a name that should not be forgotten in Taiwan’s history. He is the symbol of Taiwan’s freedom of speech. And this year, 2010, is the 21 anniversaries since Cheng Nan-jung’s death.

From 1949 to 1987, Taiwan was governed in a state of Martial Law. People have no freedom of association and freedom of speech. The only legal party in Taiwan was Chinese Nationalist Party at that time. Cheng Nan-jung, a young man from Taipei, was not satisfied with the situation, so he founded Freedom Era Weekly in 1984 and declared the goal of this magazine is fighting for 100 percent freedom of speech. He also joined Democratic Progressive Party, which was at that time an illegal party, to show his determination to fight for Taiwan independence.
Because Cheng Nan-jung made public speeches of preaching that Taiwan is a sovereign and printed a proposal for a constitution for Taiwan on his magazine, he was charged with Sedition in 1988. After he got the warrant, he only appeared in the court once, in January 21, 1989, declaring that Chinese Nationalist Party can not arrest him, but only his dead body. Then he refused to appear in the court anymore, and instead, he prisoned himself in his magazine office for 71 days! Cheng Nan-jung, this pro-democracy activist, never walked out the office door alive again……

On April 7, 1989, when police went to Cheng Nan-jung’s office to arrest him, he took out the gasoline he prepared, and set himself and the whole building on fire. After Cheng Nan-jung’s death, the demand of true democracy arrived at a climax. On May 19, 1989, another Democratic Progressive Party worker Chan I-hua burned himself to death when participating Cheng Nan-jung’s funeral. They are both martyrs for Taiwan’s democracy history.
Cheng Nan-jung’s Memorial Hall is located in Taipei Taiwan, just the place where he burned himself. And now there is a Cheng Nan-jung Memorial Hall in Second Life too! You can see the actual room where Cheng Nan-jung committed suicide, and watch the video of his martyrdom. There is also a beautiful marble monument with a touching poem on it titled “The Monument Planted In My Heart.” Before you leave, don’t forget to get a free memorial T-shirt on the wall. And remember, whenever you come to this place, for just a while, please put away your political standpoint and hatred and bring your gratitude. Because all the freedom we own today, is not given naturally by god, but by the efforts of such people like Cheng Nan-jung.
So come visit Cheng Nan-jung’s Memorial Hall at:
Crush and Burn --- Cheng Nan-jung, A Pro-Democracy Activist of Taiwan.

2010/5/18 by Jocelyn Yu
What kind of insistency can make a person willing to set himself on fire for his faith? He is Cheng Nan-jung, a name that should not be forgotten in Taiwan’s history. He is the symbol of Taiwan’s freedom of speech. And this year, 2010, is the 21 anniversaries since Cheng Nan-jung’s death.

From 1949 to 1987, Taiwan was governed in a state of Martial Law. People have no freedom of association and freedom of speech, the only legal party in Taiwan was Chinese Nationalist Party at that time. Cheng Nan-jung, a young man from Taipei, was not satisfied with the situation, so he founded Freedom Era Weekly in 1984 and declared the goal of this magazine is fighting for 100 percent freedom of speech. He also joined Democratic Progressive Party, which was at that time an illegal party, to show his determination to fight for Taiwan independence.
Because Cheng Nan-jung made public speeches of preaching that Taiwan is a sovereign, and printed a proposal for a constitution for Taiwan on his magazine, he was charged with Sedition in 1988. After he got the warrant, he only appeared in the court once, in January 21, 1989, declare that Chinese Nationalist Party can not arrest him, but only his dead body. Then he refused to appear in the court anymore, instead, he prisoned himself in his magazine office for 71 days! Cheng Nan-jung, this pro-democracy activist, never walked out the office door alive again……

Cheng Nan-jung’s Memorial Hall located in Taipei Taiwan, just the place where he burned himself. And now there is a Cheng Nan-jung Memorial Hall in Second Life too! You can see the actual room where Cheng Nan-jung committed suicide, and watch video of his martyrdom. There is also a beautiful marble monument with a touching poem on it called “The Monument Planted In My Heart.” Before you leave, don’t forget to get a free memorial T-shirt on the wall. And remember, whenever you come to this place, for just a while, please put away your political standpoint and hatred and bring your gratitude. Because all the freedom we own today, is not given naturally by god, but by the efforts of Cheng Nan-jung this kind of people.
So come visit Cheng Nan-jung’s Memorial Hall at:
2010年4月15日 星期四
Heaven? Or Hell? --- 賈鴻秋's private dogs shelter. (Final edition)
2010/3/9 by Jocelyn Yu
Hundreds of stray dogs kept in an awful environment where the floor is covered with excrement, drinking muddy dirty water and eating feeding that has already become moldy.
This is not something happened in a puppy mill but in "Taipei County Loving Life Association," a benevolent private dogs shelter running by lady 賈鴻秋.

2010, February 17, just when everybody was enjoying the happy atmosphere of Chinese New Year, lady 賈鴻秋 was found passed out in a temple stairway. After four days in the hospital, doctor certified her death in 2010, February 21. This news indeed shocked many dog-lovers in Taiwan. But after her death, how to deal with those stray dogs in her association has now become a bigger problem.
If it wasn't for her death, people wouldn't discover that her dog’s shelter was actually in such an awful condition that it had already reached the level of animal abuse.

After seeing the miserable situation of these dogs, people started to question: Is this the kind of life those dogs really want? A private animal shelter takes in animals without considering one's ability and without limitation! Is it really good for animals?
賈鴻秋's death accidentally revealed the truth of some private dogs shelters and made more people think about the true meaning of animal welfare. There are still a lot to discuss relating to animal welfare, but now let's just hope this kind of miserable story won't ever happen in private animal shelters again.
Annie’s blog
Animal Rescue Team Taiwan
2010年4月13日 星期二
Heaven? Or Hell? --- 賈鴻秋's private dogs shelter. (edited by Meredith)
Hundreds of stray dogs are kept in an awful environment where the floor is covered with excrement, drinking muddy dirty water and eating feeding that has already become moldy.
This is not something happened in puppy mill but in "Taipei County Loving Life Association", a benevolent private dogs shelter running by lady 賈鴻秋.

2010/2/17, just when everybody was enjoying the happy atmosphere of Chinese New Year, lady 賈鴻秋 was found passed out in a temple stairway. After four days in the hospital, doctor certified her death in 2010/2/21. This news indeed shocked many dog-lovers in Taiwan. But after her death, how to deal with those stray dogs in her association has now become a bigger problem.
Why has it become a bigger problem? Because if it wasn't for her death, people wouldn't discover that her dogs shelter was actually in such an awful condition that it had already reached the level of animal abuse.

After seeing the miserable situation of these dogs, people started to question: Is this the kind of life those dogs really want? Private animal shelter takes in animals without considering one's ability and without limitation, is it really good for animals?

賈鴻秋's death accidentally revealed the truth of some private dogs shelters and made more people think about the true meaning of animal welfare. There are still a lot to discuss relating to animal welfare, but now let's just hope this kind of miserable story won't ever happen in private animal shelters again.
2010年3月9日 星期二
Heaven? Or Hell? --- 賈鴻秋's private dogs shelter.

Hundreds of stray dogs kept in awful environment. Floor covered with excrement, drink muddy dirty water, eat feeding that had already become moldy.
This is not something happened in puppy mill, but in "Taipei County Loving Life Association", it is a benevolent private dogs shelter running by lady 賈鴻秋.

2010/2/17, just when everybody was enjoying the happy atmosphere of Chinese New Year, lady 賈鴻秋 was found passed out in a tample stairway. After four days in the hospital, doctor certified her death in 2010/2/21. This news indeed shocked many dogs lover in Taiwan, but after her death, how to deal with those stray dogs in her association has now become a bigger problem.
Why has it become a bigger problem? Because if it wasn't for her death, people wouldn't discover that her dogs shelter was actually in an awful condition that has already reach the standard of animal abuse.

After seeing the miserable situation of these dogs, people started to question is this kind of life those dogs really want? Private animal shelter taking in animals without consider oneself's ability and without limitation, is it really good for animals?
賈鴻秋's death accidentally reveals the truth of some private dogs shelter, and makes more people think of the true meaning of animal welfare. There are still lots to discuss in animal welfare, but now let's just hope this kind of miserable story won't ever happen in private animal shelters again.