URL: http://www.time.com/time/world
Date of entries:3/14
Topic of discussion: World News
Writing Style: News report
As we all should know, a huge earthquake happened in Japan on March, 11, 2011, triggers great tsunami and caused many damages and lives loss. This is already a terrible disaster, but what makes me even angry and upset is that Taiwan's media seems to always looking for a chance to stir up trouble. I found nothing but reports that try to cause people panic and chaos.
That is why I decided to recommond TIME.com. In TIME.com "World" section, you can see important news from all over the world, combined with well-shot and touching photos. News from TIME.com is more impartial than media in Taiwan, and since TIME.com is in partnership with CNN, the news update really fast too. And because the website is all in English, pay a visit to TIME.com is a great way for people who wants to learn English and catch up with world's latest movement at the same time. As for this time Japan's earthquake, TIME.com quickly created a special category called "The Japan Quake" under "World" section, to organize all news and photos related to Japan earthquake and tsunami together. There are many touching news articles and stories, after seeing these, makes me cherish everyday I live more than ever.
It seems that those "touching news articles and stories" make you cherish your life. I wonder how catching up with "world's latest movement" through TIME.com "is a great way for people who want to learn English"? Can you explain?
回覆刪除Why do you think that Taiwan's media always look for a chance to stir up trouble? Can you give examples?
回覆刪除Well because "World" section collected important news from all over the world, so I think it is a great way for us to catch up with world's movement. But why I said "touching news article and stories" is because recently most news were focus on Japan's quake or wars in Libya, and these news aren't very happy news. Often are sad or heartbreaking.
回覆刪除As for Taiwan's media, take Japan's quake for example, Taiwan's media kept raising the number of dead without any proof on the beginning few days. They like to use sensational title to attract audience's eyeballs. Which really makes me annoyed.