2011年5月27日 星期五

SL Reflection 1

Icy and me went to Luskwood and see everyone here with costume of animal. I also see a man dressed like a vampire, hanging upside down on the street light. This give me the idea that maybe our final project we can do vampire role-play. But since the two other group members were absent today, we will ask them next week whether they think the idea is OK.

[19:54] Meimeiryo Littlebird: everyone here has a tail!XDDDDD
[19:54] IGY Spore: i think it's too complicated for me
[19:54] IGY Spore: ==
[19:54] IGY Spore: where did u get ur suit?
[19:54] Meimeiryo Littlebird: me?
[19:54] Meimeiryo Littlebird: i get my outfit at freebie
[19:54] IGY Spore: ya
[19:54] IGY Spore: whatz that
[19:54] Meimeiryo Littlebird: you wanna go there?
[19:54] IGY Spore: oh i see
[19:55] IGY Spore: no
[19:55] IGY Spore: i hate shopping
[19:55] Meimeiryo Littlebird: XDDDD i can understand
[19:55] Meimeiryo Littlebird: you see that fox?
[19:55] Meimeiryo Littlebird: the white one
[19:55] IGY Spore: where is the fox
[19:55] IGY Spore: oh i see
[19:55] Meimeiryo Littlebird: the very japanese one
[19:56] IGY Spore: ya
[19:56] IGY Spore: i am pm him
[19:56] IGY Spore: i want to ask where does he got his gear
[19:57] Meimeiryo Littlebird: did he reply?
[19:57] IGY Spore: no
[19:57] IGY Spore: guess he never want to reply me
[19:57] IGY Spore: hey
[19:57] IGY Spore: don't forget to shot some photo
[19:57] IGY Spore: in sl
[19:58] Meimeiryo Littlebird: OK! come stand beside that fox
[19:58] IGY Spore: am i in right position?
[19:58] Meimeiryo Littlebird: no
[19:58] Meimeiryo Littlebird: come here
[19:59] Meimeiryo Littlebird: see me?
[19:59] IGY Spore: damn
[19:59] IGY Spore: u r talking THIS fox
[19:59] IGY Spore: i just recognized a player as the fox u said
[20:01] Meimeiryo Littlebird: i took the shot
[20:01] IGY Spore: me too
[20:01] Meimeiryo Littlebird: see that vampire?
[20:01] IGY Spore: um
[20:01] Meimeiryo Littlebird: how about we do vampire role play for final project?
[20:01] Meimeiryo Littlebird:i remember vampire role play are very popular in SL.
[20:01] IGY Spore: i think it's fine. we can ask them next week

[20:02] Meimeiryo Littlebird: OK, wanna go to next place then?
[20:02] IGY Spore: ok
[20:02] IGY Spore: u go first then teleport me
[20:02] Meimeiryo Littlebird: OK

